DIM to the law of the shadow- This piece is reflecting the obscure and spiritual through its intermediate states and sensuality. The observer can partly perceive what the dancers are doing through watching but within the obscure and night like atmosphere feel it through more senses. I gave the dancers different roles inspired from the christian idea of the trinity, ”the father, the son and the holy spirit.” I let the father instead be the mother, referring to a terrestrial primordial power and the power of giving birth. The holy spirit is present as a physical body and is representing those border states for what we perceive as reality contra supernatural. Instead of one son I made two children representing the humans. The two are in different states of life.  It is a 16 minutes long piece about light and shadows in co-existence. (2018) Dancers: Scilla Rajalin, Viivi Forsman, Rebecca Lång and Nis Brender. Music: Le chant des oiseaux and Passacaglia della vita- Rosemary Standley, Dom La Nena, Birds on a Wire. Whirling Birds Ceremony ”Requiem” Suite- Dhafer Youssef.

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